
  • 2024-04-09
    ShonJet Medical is a medical device manufacturing enterprise registered in the Shanghai International Medical Park in September 2006. In the past decade of rapid development, it has gradually formed its own corporate culture: the management mode of state-owned enterprises, the work efficiency of private enterprises, and the rigorous quality control of foreign enterprises. This corporate culture is like exploring the direction of progress for a company's lifeline. Shanghai ShonJet Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. is developed on the basis of the original Shanghai ShonJet Machinery Co., Ltd. The latter was established ten years ago by colleagues from Shanghai Medical Device Factory. At present, Shanghai ShonJet Medical Equipment is a high-end medical device processing and production enterprise, including precision mechanical processing of medical devices, assem...
  • 2024-04-09
    ShonJet Medical is a medical device manufacturing enterprise registered in the Shanghai International Medical Park in September 2006. In the past decade of rapid development, it has gradually formed its own corporate culture: the management mode of state-owned enterprises, the work efficiency of private enterprises, and the rigorous quality control of foreign enterprises. This corporate culture is like exploring the direction of progress for a company's lifeline. Shanghai ShonJet Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. is developed on the basis of the original Shanghai ShonJet Machinery Co., Ltd. The latter was established ten years ago by colleagues from Shanghai Medical Device Factory. At present, Shanghai ShonJet Medical Equipment is a high-end medical device processing and production enterprise, including precision mechanical processing of medical devices, assem...
  • 2024-04-09
    ShonJet Medical is a medical device manufacturing enterprise registered in the Shanghai International Medical Park in September 2006. In the past decade of rapid development, it has gradually formed its own corporate culture: the management mode of state-owned enterprises, the work efficiency of private enterprises, and the rigorous quality control of foreign enterprises. This corporate culture is like exploring the direction of progress for a company's lifeline. Shanghai ShonJet Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. is developed on the basis of the original Shanghai ShonJet Machinery Co., Ltd. The latter was established ten years ago by colleagues from Shanghai Medical Device Factory. At present, Shanghai ShonJet Medical Equipment is a high-end medical device processing and production enterprise, including precision mechanical processing of medical devices, assem...
  • 2024-04-09
    ShonJet Medical is a medical device manufacturing enterprise registered in the Shanghai International Medical Park in September 2006. In the past decade of rapid development, it has gradually formed its own corporate culture: the management mode of state-owned enterprises, the work efficiency of private enterprises, and the rigorous quality control of foreign enterprises. This corporate culture is like exploring the direction of progress for a company's lifeline. Shanghai ShonJet Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. is developed on the basis of the original Shanghai ShonJet Machinery Co., Ltd. The latter was established ten years ago by colleagues from Shanghai Medical Device Factory. At present, Shanghai ShonJet Medical Equipment is a high-end medical device processing and production enterprise, including precision mechanical processing of medical devices, assem...
  • 2024-04-09
    ShonJet Medical is a medical device manufacturing enterprise registered in the Shanghai International Medical Park in September 2006. In the past decade of rapid development, it has gradually formed its own corporate culture: the management mode of state-owned enterprises, the work efficiency of private enterprises, and the rigorous quality control of foreign enterprises. This corporate culture is like exploring the direction of progress for a company's lifeline. Shanghai ShonJet Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. is developed on the basis of the original Shanghai ShonJet Machinery Co., Ltd. The latter was established ten years ago by colleagues from Shanghai Medical Device Factory. At present, Shanghai ShonJet Medical Equipment is a high-end medical device processing and production enterprise, including precision mechanical processing of medical devices, assem...
  • 2024-04-09
    ShonJet Medical is a medical device manufacturing enterprise registered in the Shanghai International Medical Park in September 2006. In the past decade of rapid development, it has gradually formed its own corporate culture: the management mode of state-owned enterprises, the work efficiency of private enterprises, and the rigorous quality control of foreign enterprises. This corporate culture is like exploring the direction of progress for a company's lifeline. Shanghai ShonJet Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. is developed on the basis of the original Shanghai ShonJet Machinery Co., Ltd. The latter was established ten years ago by colleagues from Shanghai Medical Device Factory. At present, Shanghai ShonJet Medical Equipment is a high-end medical device processing and production enterprise, including precision mechanical processing of medical devices, assem...
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